



Native, Fast, and Global Scale

Powered by Cloudflare D1

Dzero - The fastest globally distributed SQLite database

Fully managed, low latency, high availability, and batteries included SQLite database

Dzero is a fully managed serverless SQLite database for production scale. Instantly distribute your database on EDGE nodes around the world at no extract cost. Query your database from any environment or framework. Easily manage your database with the table editor, realtime logs and more from the dashboard.

  • Native SQLite
  • Platform agnostic integration 🧩
  • 320 replicated edge locations for the price of 1
  • Full table editor UI
  • Generate SQL with AI ✨
  • Prebuilt functions uuid, iso dates and more
  • Unlimited connections & queries
  • Fully managed and serverless
  • ACID and transaction safe
  • Secure isolated database sandbox
  • HTTP event triggers 🕸️

Global edge locations

Access your database from nodes all around the world without having to duplicate replicas and managed them. Every query runs in a secured transaction for data reliability and consistency across all nodes at blazing fast speeds ⚡


Manage your database with a dashboard with all the tools you need

Text to SQL

Generate SQL queries with AI using natural language. Just ask and it will convert it to SQL for you.

Some example use cases

  • Caching infrastructure
  • Rate limiting requests
  • Full production database
  • Quick full text search
  • Replacement to Redis database
  • Queue system
  • Real-time database

Integrate anywhere in seconds

JS Client

JS Fetch





Install JS/TS client


Dzero is 100% free during the early BETA period. Our pricing model will be based on the number of rows read, written, with no additional costs for the number of locations, bandwidth, logs or storage used. We have done up a first cut on what the paid plan might look like by open beta, there might be a free tier too. This will change based on feedback.

Paid plan


Rows read

2 billion included/month + $0.005/million rows

Rows written

4 million included/month + $2/million rows

Text to SQL AI



Free (10GB/database)


Free (320 locations)


30 days


30 days


30 days

Typically, database providers charge per replication, so if you write 1 row with 10 replicates, you are charged for 10 writes. You will not be charge for replication on Dzero, your usage are only counted for rows read and written regardless of replication, therefore 1 row written to 320 replicates, is only charged as 1 row written. Database logs can get expensive to store overtime, we are still working on logs but the objective is to keep it free and provide some form of log drain.


Todo (By priority)

  • Daily backups
  • SQLite functions editor
  • Better mobile interface
  • Vertical partitioning for "infinite" scale
  • More prebuilt SQLite functions
  • Built-in fully managed global vector database (maybe)

If you have a feature request or recommendation, please feel free to reach out!

Who am I?

Hey there! I'm Yoeven and I love the concept of serverless technology that takes away the infrastructure and devops work, allowing us to build things that matter! I have also created JigsawStack, a fully managed suite of small model AI services which powers aspects of Dzero. You can reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

© 2025 Dzero



Made in SG